Nev Sağlık Grubu

Meal Hours: Breakfast is served between 06:00-07:00, Lunch is served between 12:00-13:00, Dinner is served between 18:00-19:00.

Medical Services:  Physician visits are made between 08:00-10:00 in the morning and 18:00-19:00 in the evening.

Nurse Services: If you need a nurse outside of treatment hours or in emergencies, you can notify your nurse by using the bedside nurse call system.

If you do not understand the use of the bed, you can get information from your nurse again.

Visiting Rules: Visiting hours in our hospital are between 10:00-22:00.


Do not bring children under the age of 12 to visit and do not accept visitors to our patients under the age of 12.

Avoid demoralizing words and behaviors to patients during the visit.

Keep other patients away from uncomfortable circumstances during the visit. Do not speak aloud.

Your visit time is 10 minutes, do not visit more than two people at the same time, by always keeping in mind that the patient needs rest, without causing a warning.

During your visit, do not bring different foods without consulting the patient's physician. Do not bring live flowers.

Do not touch patient-related treatment materials such as serum set, oxygen manometer.

Telephone Usage: You can make calls in your room with your phone with contact details written on it.

Toilet-Bathroom Usage: There is a toilet in your room, and you should always remember your risk of falling. Please inform your nurse before bathing.

After the surgery, do not raise your patient without your nurse's knowledge and do not give him/her food and drink.

Do not stick anything to the room door, wall and furniture by using adhesive products. 

There is a CONTINGENCY PLAN in the middle of the panel where your location is marked. In the case of necessity, you must use it without panic, moving in the directions that show the exit doors.

Make sure to read the Patient Rights, Smoking Cessation, Rational Drug Utilization brochures.

Remember! Your patient's health is as important to us as it is to you.